What's New : Cultivating AI-Ready Talents with Soft and Hard Skills




Cultivating AI-Ready Talents with Soft and Hard Skills

A recent United Nations report suggested that Generative AI will not completely replace the majority of jobs, but rather automate parts of them, freeing up time for other tasks.

In our rapidly changing tech-driven world, employers globally value not only solid professional skills and knowledge, but also employees’ soft skills to ensure smooth team collaboration. Those employed in these ‘new collar’ jobs may not necessarily possess traditional university degrees, but they must have soft skills that allow for flexibility in the workplace. They are just as talented and capable as other degree graduates.

The Jockey Club Multiple Pathways Initiative – CLAP-TECH Pathway incorporates important attributes such as analytical thinking, resilience, motivation, and curiosity into its curriculum. Some of these traits are even considered by the World Economic Forum as one of the five most important skills globally in 2023, aiming to enhance students’ abilities and increase their opportunities.

Its Higher Diploma in Data Science programme is designed with reference to the needs of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry. The programme covers theoretical and practical foundations of data science, focusing on the latest developments in the industry, including AI, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Students also have opportunities to visit ICT companies, participate in workshops, and boot camps. The course emphasises professional knowledge training while also focusing on the soft skills required for various positions, nurturing talents with both hard and soft skills.